Since coming back from the UK, my ephedrine connection has been lost. Which means I'm not hyper all day anymore.
Which is ok, as my job isn't as insane as it was in London. I work normal hours, behind a computer, on a cushy office chair with numerous smoke breaks. After sic months, my system has learnt to deal with this and I now get some sleep.
Well, not really sleep. More like a snooze with intense dreams as my brain hasn't yet figured out how to shut down when I close my eyes. Also - not having internet at home, means that I can't surf until the sun rises - which i'll totally do.
Its a bit of a double edged sword really - stay up all night only to crash at 3pm at my desk or go to bed at a reasonable hour and still crash at my desk by 3pm.
Maybe its because I'm bored. Bored stupid! and my brain is trying to be proactive in keeping me on my toes until I'm intellectually stimulated again.
Who knows?
All I know is that at this moment, sitting at my desk, watching my inbox fill up really quickly, I would rather be at home sleeping on my couch with my cat on my stomach.