Monday, 23 July 2007

Just between you and me...

I don't know if I should be sharing this with the rest of the world (ie all five of you) but I just found out that Gerard Way of My Chem has broken his engagment. Cue the collective sigh of relief from a gazillion female fans.

the article can be found here.

Onto other news...

Saw the new Harry Potter movie the other day.
Now, maybe its because I read the books and know the subtext and context etc so I could follow the movie pretty easily.
All the other people in the cinema, however, were very confused. Comments like 'why has Potter gone all emo?' and 'Why is he acting like and ass?'

Has everyone forgotten that Potter is 16 in the movie? He is acting like a 16 year old boy. Perfectly normal under the circumstances.

The movie itself also kicked ass. I was rolling with laughter. Now that the last book has come out, everyone is reading it. Except me. I'll wait til it comes out in cheap paperback.

Must go gift shopping for my mom tomorrow. Its her birthday on Friday and today is my mate's birthday - Jeff!! Happy Birthday mate!!!


Monday, 16 July 2007

The Soapbox Scene

Picture the scene.
A classy, somewhat upmarket pub in the West End of London.
A shiny, marble bartop crammed with beers from all over Europe on tap.
Insano behind said bar wearing a T-Shirt that reads - I'm not fluent in Idiot, so speak slowly. She's leaning against the back fridge, crammed with ciders, watching the crowded bar, or more accurately, the wall clock. Only 3 more hours to go.

A young man walks upto the bar. not much to describe with other than the words - Oh no.He orders a drink. Insano pours said drink for him before placing on the and requesting the £3.50 payment.

'So, where you from?' he asks
'Guess' she says, rolling her eyes.
'New Zealand?'
'No...South Africa.'
'Really? You know the problem with...'

You have no idea how often I get lectured about all the wrongs of my own country and what I must do to fix it. Usually by some limey 'rude boy' who hasn't left his borough, nevermind London.
Throw into the argument that I alone developed and implemented apartheid, committed worse human rights violations than Mugabe and I'm a raging racist.
All because I'm a white South African.

The East End of London has been barred from my pub for abusive behaviour towards an employee.
And for thier own safety - I throw a mean right hook.

It's amazing that in this day and age of internet and free information, people choose to remain ignorant on teh history and cultures of other countries. Sjy News is not the be all and end all in information.
In the words of Frank - You need to keep an open mind, my friend.

Fingers cv is going to a potential employer today.

It's also the wettest summer...ever! My tan is suffering.

Onto Music:
Maroon 5's new single 'Makes Me Wonder'

I loved the first Album - Songs About Jane. The lyrics were sensual and intelligent. The music smooth and easy.

This new album? The songs have fallen into the disney school of songwriting - Lame lyrics, bubblegum pop tumes and Adam sings like Micky Mouse.


Sunday, 08 July 2007

Its a Dogs Life

Watch and Enjoy - the new music video from pop punkers Fall Out Boy. Note how Pete looks a little like Frank Iero with his long hair. (I'm going get my arse kicked for that comment)


If you have trouble, along with the rest of the world, understanding what exactly Patrick Stump is singing, here are the lyrics.

The Take Over, The Breaks Over Lyrics


Friday, 06 July 2007

True Eventfulness

I love the 24hr internet cafe in Tottenham Court Road.


Cos it's open 24hrs a day.
How do I know this?
Cos it's 2:35am and I'm in here watching YouTube and flat/job hunting.

Now if only they had coffee...


Monday, 02 July 2007

Annie sang it

I've had a very depressing day...and it's only lunchtime.

Went to a recruitment company to register to see if I can get a normal job - no go. Apparently due to visa restraints, they couldn't accept me. Why do I feel the pub cliche is really starting to creep over me just like that silver/black stuff in Spiderman 3?
Should I throw in the towel, and just submit to the bar job? Or should I keep fighting an uphill battle?

So, my godsister is in town this week. I'm going to see if I can hang out with her over the weekend. It'll be nice to see her again.

I've also decided that I love my internet cafe.
It sits upstairs in this uber cool video store that has all these cult/classic movies and they play all my fave music on the pa system - Blues, jazz, white stripes. Nothing better than some good tunes when you're surfing soul destroying employment sites.

I love that its summer (despite the continuous rain).
I love the new White Stripes album.
I love my new purple linen.
I love kittens and raindrops on roses.
I love being able to pay my rent.

I'm going to rise above my bad mood and embrace what I have - erm....give me a few seconds here...
Fuck it...Pass the Haagen Das please.


Sunday, 01 July 2007

Cos I have nothing new to say

This is one of my fave MiniMCR strips...

If you like these little works of love, follow the link on the right or click right here
