Monday, 14 April 2008

Dear Makers of Bottae Vintae Pinot Grigio,

Firstly, kudos on making a wine so close to vinegar, it should be lablled - for pickling purposes only. And then getting the Pinot Grigio name out there and used by celebs who know nothing about wine, just so that you can sell your travesty of a wine at hyper inflated prices.

I don't drink your wine, but I do have to serve it to a lot of people, against my better judgement, but what can you do?
Have you heard of this new fangled invention called the 'Screw Top'. No corkscrew needed. No cutting my knuckles to shreds on the thick foil you have covering the cork. Thanks to your product, I literally bleed for my job. I don't need anymore bloodloss, thank you.

Please, go off, work on that vintage a little more in R&D before attacking the general public with it.

Thank you,

Insano 'Bloody Knuckles' Insomniac

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