Saturday, 06 October 2007

Mothers and Jobs

I've thought for the longest time that my mother is uber cool.

Recently, namely the last 48hrs, i've realise that she is, in fact, embarassing. In that loud, obnoxnious way that i get after a few.

So I took her with to a concert I bought tickets for way before she decide to come visit.

We then go to my pub for Vote Pedro.
She LOUDLY mentions that my boss is a hotty (which he is, but as if he needs to know it!!!????)
We then finally get on a bus home - she needs chocolate. We get chocolate.
She's now passed out on my bed.
I[m too tired to sleep, yet i know this weekend is going to be tough. My god - another 15 days of this???

Got a blush out of her about the vibrators on display at Selfridges...


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