Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Friday, 25 May 2007
Summer in London
Overcast yet humid, stuffy buses, stuffier tube, shorts on everyone including the booty-;icious size 28 sistas with cornrow beehives and the 80 yr old colonial pensioner showing off thier wrinkled knees and spotted, skinny legs.
Yep, Lonodn is beautiful.
Summer also brings with it festival season. And there is a festival for everyone from nu-ravers to old rockers and I want to gho to them all.
I want to rock out at Download to screamo rock.
I want to dig out my 10 yer old day GLo outfits and try my nu-rave mov es at teh indie raver tent at Reading. - Granted, I may need new Day Glo as mine seems to have faded, a lot.
I want to trample around in wellies, beer in hand, head on another planet, watching gigs with other revellers. That's what the whole point of summer in europe is!!!
The crux is, I feeli like the kid who got left at school while everyone else got to go on the field trip.
Tickets are sold out, I'm broke and I have no one to go with me anyway...
But there's always next year...
And I also prefer AAA me spoilt!
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Friday, May 25, 2007
Labels: bands, europe, music festival bands, summer
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
It is with a sad and heavy heart (albeit light purse) that I hearby post this sad note:
My DVD collection is up for sale. I'm not too sure about eBay, but I will be parting ways with my collection of Audrey Hepburns classics, Viva La Bam season 2, Supernatural season 1, Clerks X, Romantic Comedies by the dozen and of course, the i-want-to-sit-and-listen-to-country-my-heart-is-so-broken one; Buffy the Vampire Slayer series box set.
But at least I will not be evicted from my room.
Excuse me while I go pine away to the screams of emo music.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Fun New Things
I've been a little self pitying in the last few weeks, but can anyone really blame me?
Taking blame like a big girl.
Over it.
So, I was going on about Minimcr, this wicked fantoon that I found and after a quick email, was given permission to show her hilarious artwork on my blog. Yay!
Mind you, you have to be a My Chemical Romance fan to appreciate the tongue-in-cheek manner of the toons. For example:
And of course you're bopping to Avril Lavigne's new single...I'm still dubious about the dance routine in the video itself, but it does get under your skin...
There's also the new Icky Thump video from The White Stripes. They Rock and anyone who thinks otherwise, can meet me behind The Phoenix after this for a little chat.
It hasn't made it onto YouTube yet, but I will show you all the moment it is!
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Labels: avril lavigne, fantoon, gerard way, icky, mcr, Minimcr, White Stripes
Monday, 21 May 2007
Communism is looking good....
So, not only do I slog my ass off but I get underpaid!!! I got screwed out of 11hrs work, which would have been my rent money!!!
Onto happy news:
There are two videos of a new interview with the awesome Gerard Way and Frank Iero on SURS at Bamboozle. Check out the two part interview here and here
Another cool thing I found was a fansite that has a comic series of our fave band:
Read them here!
I've also been job hunting like mad seeing as how this whole bar work is not working for me on a full time basis.
And the date...
It was nice.
He was very sweet, funny, intelligent and nice.
I'll give it a few more dates and see where it goes.
But there aren't any butterflies. I'd like butterflies.
And its still pissing down with rain.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Monday, May 21, 2007
Friday, 18 May 2007
Bring on the shoulder pads...
Today is my first day back into the swing of 9-5. I should be dreading it, but for some strange reason, I’m feeling pretty upbeat about it.
Ok, so I’m a little bored at the moment because my workload is well, nil and I’m not technically supposed to surf the internet, which quadruples my boredom by a gazillion!
How can I not surf? There are new pictures to find on Buzznet and blogs to read and MySpace to explore and of course a ton of other time consuming things I can do that will make my day fly by!
I did manage to get a few hours of surfing in before being told it was a no-no, so I was able to catch up on what was going on in the world… such as:
Fall Out Boy is heading out to Uganda to highlight the work of a charity called Invisible Children. It supports children abandoned during the recent war in the country.
At least Pete is putting his face to some good use. Just, please, no one tell Angelina Jolie…she might adopt the entire country.
Ever wonder who was responsible for the recent rise in Emo bands? I have discovered that we have no one else to blame but The Smashing Pumpkins.
The Pumpkins are reuniting (barring bassist D’Arcy) and MySpace Music thought it would be a fab idea to put together a tribute album for them. The contributors are all bands who were influenced by the Pumpkins in a major way, and looking at the list, we now know who to direct our dirty stares at.
30 Seconds to Mars
Hawthorne Heights
Panic! At The Disco
Academy Is…
+ 44
My Chemical Romance
And just for the record, I happen to be a huge Pumpkins fan…
I also found my new favourite online comic – Mini MCR.
Basically it’s the scribblings of a UK based fangirl of the band and her comics generally take the piss but in a great way. Check it out!
Onto my life….
Last night was “Asshole” night at the pub. Every moron, chop, pleb and chauvinist in the Greater London area decided to have a drink at the Phoenix last night and pick on the staff. More than once I envisioned myself a Tarantino-esque heroine, shotgun in hand, splattering bloody brain matter belonging to the next puta who decided to come to the bar. And I wouldn’t blink an eyelid.
There would of course be blood everywhere. Except in the drinks.
Patron: Malibu and coke.
Insano: *pulls shotgun trigger, causing buckshot to shred patron’s head* We don’t sell Malibu here. Focker.
Patron2: Pint of lager.
Insano: *repeats above action* Give me a brand, puta. We sell 11 different lagers.
Patron3: Glass of wine.
Insano: *whilst smashing every available bottle of wine over patron’s head* Large or small? Red or White? Merlot or Sauvignon Blanc?
And you know what? I wasn’t even PMS’y.
Today at lunchtime I took a stroll down Wimpole street and to my utter delight, the sun was shining, burning away my body’s idea to evolve gills for me. My mood lifted instantly. I swear, I smiled at a cabbie or two. It was amazing!
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Empty Days...
I've whined about it before, and yet again, I shall whine....
I want my computer!!! I want my computer!!!
I miss the clickty clacking of the keys, the world of the internet and the infinite possibilities it holds. Dammit!!!
So I start work tomorrow morning in Wimpole str. Wish me luck!
In the meantime, bleow is the new single from The Used. Granted, Bert McKracken is not the hottest singer out there..(reminds me of a grungy Cobain) but thier songs are tight!
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Labels: Bert McKracken, Cobain, gerard way, mcr, The Used, Wimpole Str
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Bargain Hunting
One of the fascinating things about the british is thier fondness of buying from a catalogue. Call me crazy, but I prefer to handle the goods prior to purchase.
Argos and Ikea are teh two major homeware places to go when furnishing one's home.
So Louis had to furnish her flat - the one above the Phoenix where I have been a temporary flatmate- with a few essentials eg a kettle, crockery, cutlery etc...
She takes me to Argos in Oxford Street. I was ready to grab a trolley and stroll up and down aisles a la Dion/Game in SA.
Instead, we went upto a counter that housed a keypad and a huge catalogue. (the Laminated Book of Dreams).
She then chose the items she wanted, filled in a little piece of paper, paid and then they brought the goods to a collection counter. We then wrestled our way down Oxford street carrying the goodies. This is no mean feat...Oxford street is awful!!! Everyone pushing to get to where they want to go, fucking tourists stopping dead in the middle of the pavement to gawk! Get a move on here!!!!
Onto other news...
I'm officially moved into my new flat - see pics below. I'm still moving my boxes one at a time from Nat's place to my new one..but at least today is my day off, so i can get far more done. Like laundry. ugh!
Dunno if I should mention this, but I have a date on Sunday.
The job hunt continues... Start working on Wimpole Str on Friday as a receptionist and one of the regulars at The Dignity (the third pub I work for) is a recruitment consultant and has asked for my CV. In the meantime, the three pubs are keeping me busy.
I miss my laptop.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Friday, 11 May 2007
Catch Up
Things have been a little hectic of late.
This little insano has been flat hunting, job hunting and sleep hunting for the past few weeks.
Flat found - move in tomorrow.
Job found - start Monday
Sleep - pending.
The past few weeks have really shown me the amazing support system that can be built up by not pissing people off and working one's arse off.
For example...
I started working at the pub in December on a part time basis. Did my job well, didn't screw anyone over and generally had fun. When they found out my full time job was no longer there, immediate offers of full time employment was given.
Not only that, but my manager and mate gave me a couch to sleep on while I went about looking for a flat.
I guess, in a way, I really enjoy working in a bar. Just wish it paid more! The hours are awful, my feet and legs are in constant pain and the customers don't tip, but there's something theraputic about pouring that perfect pint and uber cool about mixing drinks.
Ok, I blame Tom Cruise and that movie of his - Cocktails. To a six year old, being a carribean barman is the ultimate cool thing.
I would rant, but i don't have the energy. Need to save it for tonight's shift. And tomorrow morning's move as well as tomorrow night's shift and I think i'm working Sunday too. Oh well, no rest for the broke.
But below are two vids I recommend...
I give you the new White Stripes single - Icky Thump.
About bloody time.
And here is the preview to the MCR video for Teenagers. Can't wait for the full vid to hit our broadband-waves!!! May 15 2007
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Friday, May 11, 2007
Labels: bar, icky thump, life, mcr, pub, teenagers, White Stripes, work
Friday, 04 May 2007
In Review
I just realised that I haven't mentioned anything about my insane vacation!
Here is the abridged cos I only have 20minutes left version:
1st weekend - 5- 9 April 2007
Left Gatwick airport after "donating" some of my luggage as it was deemed overweight. This included two pairs of jeans, old tekkies and my towel as well as my toiletries.
Landed on a warm Jozi day, went straight to the mall, bought new jeans and el cheapo tekkies for Splashy Fen.
Drove down to Splashy Fen. Spent first night in teh car.
Next day, after blantantly refusing to waltz around in a pink nurses uniform, Mike gave me a red t-shirt with a white first aid cross on it and a nurses hat. Proceeded to walk around the whoel day sellign cd's and drinking beer.
Day two was pretty much the same, although I had a friend in tow to keep me company. He got funnelled at one camp and had red sambuca lit in his mouth at another. Not bad for this 17yr old's first Splashy. My mom's two brothers came along with thier brood and just added to the mayhem. These grown men are still juvenile delinquents at heart.
Spent the entire fest in teh same jeans, living on wetwipe baths and fresh underwear.
Only got to see Sunday night's line up which was superb!
Harris Tweed, Chris Chameleon, Taxi Violence, and Lark kicked ass!!
2nd weekend - 13-16th April
It was Craig's 21st birthday party. Morrocan theme.
Having spent most of the week looking for something to wear, settled on beaded slip on's and gypsy skirt with a lot of scarves.
Got really hammered.
Went to the Doors afterwards where I yet again made an ass of myself. Severely hungover on the Sunday.
3rd weekend - 21-23 April
Lollipops 21st. Pirate theme.
Spent the whole day setting up and making teh awesome champers cocktails.
Drank a lot, DJ'ed, Lollipop disappeared, then her friend's punked out.
Saw birthday girl in hospital, where she sang Rehab while as high as a kite on painkillers.
4th weekend - 26 - 30 April
Went down to Sodwana Bay.
Pissed with rain the first two night.
On teh second night our tent ripped due to the storm. Promptly booked into a B'nB nearby for the rest of the weekend.
Came home.
Flight back was cancelled. Took later flight on SAA.
And that was my trip home!
Linkin Park played the AStoria last night. Wanted to go, but didn't have money and was exhausted from flat hunting. was a you-had-to-be-there moment.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, 03 May 2007
Back on Form
House Hunting is the singularly most depressing thing to do..ever!
Onto interesting news...
Turns out the boys of My Chemical Romance and fellow tour mates Muse have been struck down by a serious case of food poisoning. Seeing as how they were all chowing down on gourmet vegetarian dishes, makes one wonder what exactly caused the break(down)out. No seafood, no chicken, just veggies.
Well, here's hoping they all get well soon and get back on the road.
Have much to rant about but no energy or time to do so.
So move onto YouTube from here and see what's playing.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Labels: food poisoning, Muse, my chemical romance, youtube
Wednesday, 02 May 2007
Withdrawal Symptoms
Ahh, it's good to be back in the land of broadband. One click instant access broadband.
It has however, been noted that I suffer severe internet withdrawal symptoms. How bad? Well, after a week without internet I would run these blogesque silyloques (i know it's spelt wrong) through my head, by week two, I was typing out things on my legs, by week three, I had gone into complete lack of information meltdown.
What was happening in the world? What had my fave rockers gotten up to now? What albums had been released? Who was being an ass on YouTube? Important matters that I couldn't find the answers to!!
But now I'm back. YAY!
And the news I've been able to find out, thanks to the brilliant Miss Modern Age, is this...
Pete Fall Out Boy Wentz has opened an alternative club. Well, it would be alternative if it weren't for the hordes of teenage girls waiting outside for a glimpse of People's hottest man of 2007. (sic)
Apparently Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance is rumoured to have married in Feb already. I'm still tryingto suss the facts on that one.
And finally...
The book for the summer has got to be: Everybody Hurts.
Written by the editor and chief contributor of Alternative Press Magazine, it gives those of us ignorant abotu the emo culture, a little insight, while keeping it's tongue firmly in it's cheek.
I'm also still job and flat hunting. The flat hunting part being of some urgency now.
Will do a nice long post about the debauchery of April at a later stage.
Posted by
Insane Insomniac
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Labels: alternative press, club, emo, fall out boy, frank iero, mcr, pete wentz