Wednesday, 02 May 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms

Ahh, it's good to be back in the land of broadband. One click instant access broadband.

It has however, been noted that I suffer severe internet withdrawal symptoms. How bad? Well, after a week without internet I would run these blogesque silyloques (i know it's spelt wrong) through my head, by week two, I was typing out things on my legs, by week three, I had gone into complete lack of information meltdown.

What was happening in the world? What had my fave rockers gotten up to now? What albums had been released? Who was being an ass on YouTube? Important matters that I couldn't find the answers to!!

But now I'm back. YAY!

And the news I've been able to find out, thanks to the brilliant Miss Modern Age, is this...

Pete Fall Out Boy Wentz has opened an alternative club. Well, it would be alternative if it weren't for the hordes of teenage girls waiting outside for a glimpse of People's hottest man of 2007. (sic)

Apparently Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance is rumoured to have married in Feb already. I'm still tryingto suss the facts on that one.

And finally...
The book for the summer has got to be: Everybody Hurts.

Written by the editor and chief contributor of Alternative Press Magazine, it gives those of us ignorant abotu the emo culture, a little insight, while keeping it's tongue firmly in it's cheek.

I'm also still job and flat hunting. The flat hunting part being of some urgency now.

Will do a nice long post about the debauchery of April at a later stage.



Anonymous said...

after a week in deepest darkest swaziland i was positively shaking from broadband withdrawal. or was it an overdose of swazi's finest? not too sure.

Insane Insomniac said...

i'd go with a 40/60 slpit on that.