Saturday, 03 February 2007


Have decided to get a white kitten.

and name it...Emo.


Revolving Credit said...

Why EMO???

Sounds a bit like CHEMO, just with more hair!

Anonymous said...

No one is getting this joke.
Emo - type of rock music I like. usually associated with black/goth/MCR look. The joke is my little kitten will be white, instead of black.

Get it???

Revolving Credit said...

Sounds like the cats going to be EMOtionally scared for life!!

At very least, give it some black/goth eyeliner!

Anonymous said...

i'll look into it.
And if my cat will be scarred, means i'm pretty messed up myself.

Oh well, Its all good.

Champagne Heathen said...

I thought it was a play on the word "Omo". I just wasn't sure how it was being played.

Insane Insomniac said...

*drops head into hands in dispair at sense of humour being the most obscure. ever.*

Champagne Heathen said...

he he he

Anonymous said...

Okay I thought it was a good joke and I promise, I got it the first time I read it. Probably because I'M NOT and Emo fan.

Anonymous said...

yay!!! someone got it!
Thanks Jam! Maybe cos you're a muso and know genres that you got it?
Why don't you like emo? If i may ask.