Friday, 26 January 2007


I'm currently covertedly typing this from a colleagues computer, as from 9:30pm last night, my little ol' laptop died.
That's right. I am now computer-less. Which means I can't get any work done.
But that's not what concerns me. What i'm worried about is all my personal files that were on my laptop are now lost. All my pics, photos, bad poetry, everything - gone.
I'm beyond freaking out. I'm beyond stressing. In fact, I feel the giddy, lightheaded-ness of someone who has left thier body and thier minds are floating somewhere...else.
See, this week has been such a convaluted build up of bad luck, bad timing, and bad karma, that should i actually sit still long enough to contemplate its ripples affecting the galaxy and time continuum, as consequences tend to do, my head would promptly explode.
So i'm playing the ostrich today.
cluck, cluck...


Anonymous said...

oh fuck. can i say that word? eina - so much for the whole working from home vibe then huh? that has to hurt big time.

Anonymous said...

you have no idea. using someone elses laptop is a bitch.
and yes, when appropriate, fuck can be used.
I deem this situation appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Oh good. well then for good measure let me reiterate: Fuck.